September 21, 2007

How to add Emoticons in Gmail

I still don't understand why Gmail has no emoticon feature, still!! Gmail stands high among its peers in many ways. But Yahoo looks colorful for its set of emoticons and this particular feature grabs and retains many users. The more I thought of it, the more I wanted to search for any third party tools to power this feature into Gmail system.

I found an awesome tool to achieve this. A Greasemonkey script. Yes, as you would have guessed by now, it works only with Firefox. Never mind. Cheer up Firefox fans. One more reason to vote for our favorite browser!

Here is the screenshot of available emoticons:

There are two methods to add emoticons into the mail.

1. Drag and Drop.
2. Copy and Paste.

Both are easy methods. Self Explanatory.


Here is the script.