May 28, 2007

PayPerPost has come up with another great program - PPP Direct

payperpostTechnoPark has been a good friend of PayPerPost for a long time. We are closely following them for quite sometime now. They are very professional in dealing with sponsored posts niche.

Now, the big news is that PayPerPost has introduced direct sponsor review program called 'PPP Direct'. It has made blogging an easy outing.

What is it?

It is a program that enables Advertisers to contact the Blog. The great thing about PPP Direct is that, when compared to what their peers charge for similar services, PPP charge peanuts for the service!! The service charge for PPP Direct is just 10%. You know what? 5% of it goes for the paypal processing.

This is great news for all bloggers who are looking for ways to earn some decent cash by writing decent and honest reviews. You need to simply add a badge in your blog or site. Advertisers will look at the site and if impressed, they will directly contact you for writing reviews about them on your blog.

How do they manage to give us more % than their competitors? Is there a catch? NO. That is the right answer for the question. They do not have any catch. The secret is simple. They simply avoid the middleman between the bloggers and the advertisers so the commission for the middlemen is eradicated and the money is redirected to bloggers.

Now, bloggers have the option of writing great articles with an escrow like payment system that safeguards their work.

Technorati Tags: PayPerPost