January 17, 2007

Try this new search engine Wikiseek

Directory search engine specialist 'Searchme' has launched a new search engine called 'Wikiseek'. The official announcement will be made later today. The uniqueness of this Search engine is that it searches only sites that Wikipedia has indexed and sites that are linked to and from Wikipedia.

That means, it is a search tool that helps to search Wikipedia articles. What I don't understand is, when there is an in-built search tool available in Wikipedia itself, why is this new product? I have written to Randy Adams, founder of 'Searchme'. I will update if I get any reply from him.

One nice feature of this site needs a special mention about it. The result page offers a tag cloud that contains Wikipedia categories containing the search term. Below is a screenshot that shows how the tag cloud looks for the search term 'Blogger'.

In addition to the search facility, it has a search plugin for all major browsers like Firefox, IE and Opera.

Source: TechCrunch.

Technorati Tags: Wikiseek, Wikipedia